As cliches go, "New year, new you" or "New year, fresh start" pretty much tops the list of corny cliches also known as Resolutions.
Over the years, even I have succumbed to the ridiculousness of this ambition just like every other lazy joe. And resigned. But this year, somethings gotta change. And if I am going to make a change, the start of the year is as good as any time of the year right? I figure its better for my fragile determination to seek comfort from the huge long year ahead of me so that a little slip is not end of the year.
(See how I am already making excuses for my impending laziness? Typical!)
Oh, by the way, Hi! Nice to meet you. How has your year been so far? How are the resolutions coming along? Oh don't worry, you have a full eleven months ahead of you. And me. We'll get there. Hopefully together...?
I am an endorser of the ultimate city-life cliche- left home in pursuit of higher education, hostels, paying guests, instant noodle romance, finally making it with a thrilling but demanding desk job, succumb to pressure by denouncing food, embrace alcohol and late nights with wide open arms, suffer partial dementia at the hear of exercise...the whole nine yards.
Basically five years worth of dedicated ill treatment leading to an obese, unhealthy, burnt out 27 years old, 6 months away from her scary age of 28. Do you have a scary age? The one you lay worrying about? 28 is mine. So this blog and the ensuing 'resolutions' are my attempts to grab 28 by the b@##s and screaming triumph.
Basically five years worth of dedicated ill treatment leading to an obese, unhealthy, burnt out 27 years old, 6 months away from her scary age of 28. Do you have a scary age? The one you lay worrying about? 28 is mine. So this blog and the ensuing 'resolutions' are my attempts to grab 28 by the b@##s and screaming triumph.
Lets get into a bit of logistics now, shall we? I am 27. Female. About 20 kilos over-weight though I am dismissed always as a vain, delusional when I mention this. It took me two years to register I was over-weight and about four to realise I was grossly unhealthy. In today's world anyone quipping about health, weight etc is dismissed as being trendy but what I recently realised that this condition is reaching epidemic status where people don't have an Rx that understand the germ of the problem. In an attempt to make amends to my body, last month I was looking for a nutritionist and all that's out there are weight-loss solutions without understanding the cause of weight gain in the first place. And they do this ignorant problem solving for obnoxious amounts of money. Most of them figure you are fat because you are stuffing yourself. I for one am fat because I wasn't stuffing myself! This was by far the weirdest things I had heard. Over the past few years I never understood why exactly was I overweight considering I ate very little, didn't really drown in alcohol and yes, I don't really workout regularly, have a serious cola addiction and a victim of the mother of all vices, a sweet tooth. But hey! I am not having a cupcake for breakfast, so wth!
I shall answer the details of wth in time to come but for now, lets go back to resolutions. With my fragile determination I have made and not stuck to most of my resolutions but this year something amazing happened. Today, as I was whiling my time enjoying Republic Day holiday, I realised that there are a couple of things I have been focussing on lately and that realisation led to this blog which is actually my way of making myself remeber them and stick to them. In no particular order here is what I have been upto subconsciously:
1) Decluttering. I am a hoarder and this lovely trait has been genetically passed to me by my lovely father who in his life has never even thrown away a piece of parchment fearing future utility. Two months ago I cleared my closet of all my clothes that I hoped to fit into. It was one of the most liberating things I had ever done. First, it was my first act of charity. I owned a closet full of clothes that were in terrific condition but unworn in years. When I left that giant bag made of a tied up bedsheet I felt like I lightened an emotional load. The cleared out wardrobe made me embrase my size, which in turn I realised I am not happy with which then snowballed into some serious soul searching on what changes did I really want in my life.
This year I have already attacked my sock drawer and getting rid of my 28B sports bras was AWESOME! I feel this exercise of decluttering is giving me focus and helping me come to terms with reality. I don't have a clear explanation and you may be scoffing at the philosophy, but I am sticking to it.
Next on my list is my dressing table and the 4000 products on it. Last couple of years I have also had a case of bad skin which all leads to the nutrition issue but I sought help from a dermat recently and slowly and surely I want to find a good skin routine which involves few but effective products.
2) Focussing on nutrition and keeping one eye sugar. Okay this one is not subconcious. Last month, I had an epic meltdown one morning thoroughly upset by recurring flu staying for days, bad tummy despite an honest attempt to eat better. After said meltdown subsided, I did some furious research and agreed to meet a nutritionist to figure out wth was up! This, my friends, has changed my life. Not only did I get a total perspective makeover on what is actually eating healthy but I also understood the reason to my overweight. Under-nourishment. I guffawed like a baboon when she pointed out this small factor. I mean, hello! I am 20 kilos overweight! You just declared me obese! What are you talking about? But God bless her patient soul. She smiled patiently and over the next hour she went on to explain the details of her hypothesis and the counter POA. Now I am consciously trying to make better food choices. More on this very soon.
3) Seeking a morning routine. Oh dear God! This takes me back right to college when every morning I tried to bunk and my lovely roommate tried to talk me out of bed. I am not a morning person. I am the person who will wake up at 9 and dash out at 9.30 to reach work just by 10.30 to avoid the late mark. Thanks to my nutritionist I have had to wake up early everyday and pack my food for the day which made me realise how a good morning set the tone for a great day! I am currently in the process of fixing this by throwing money at this problem but I am trying to see it as an investment. More on this soon.
(Do I sound mysterious enough to lure you back again?)
4) Fantasizing about a foreign holiday. This has nothing to do with my issues but now that we've talked so much I feel like sharing this exciting goal as well. Sometime this year, I plan to take my ass overseas and indulge in what I know would be a life changing experience. Will you shoot me, if I say more later?
I think this is enough for today. I am not sure where I am heading with this but I know I am very excited after having written this. I am very excited to tell you how it all shapes up which in turn will probably motivate me to follow through and not give up. OH! 'Finish what you start' is one of the only formal resolution I wrote down one of the late December days. So maybe this is number 5.
Tell me about you? What are your expectations from the year ahead? Have you made a great headstart. Talk to me.
Until soon, LOVE- S
- 07:57