MOTIVATION | Excuse the excuses | START


In an earlier post  I had talked about how all good intentions of getting healthy are usually met with stronger than steel excuses that are sometimes are worth taking a deeper look into but mostly they just plain lazy excuses. Period.

Its been six years since I have been on this whine. I noticed my overweight at 55. Today I am 67. What I consistently done in these 6 years is whine and worry about this. What I have not done is an honest to god effort. And the top two excuses were...*drumrolls*

Time: There are 24 hours in a day. My dermat pleaded me to just do thirty minutes of brisk walking promising results good results not just for my skin but overall wellbeing. Thirty minutes from twenty four hours! Can I give you some more good news? This doesn't have to be everyday. Thrice a week is all she asked for. Its not it. But its a start.

Let me break it down further: there are 1,00,800 minutes in a week. One lakh and eight hundred!
And all we need are just 90 minutes. Ninety.
If we cannot manage even this much then its all just sham isn't it?

Place: Not everyone has the means to pay for a gym membership. Gym memberships cost more than my monthly rent these days. And lets say you do manage to get the membership, there is no guarantee you'd actually get there. Ask me, I cringe at the thought of how much of my hard-earned monies have gone to waste over the years out of sheer laziness.

And let's say you are this awesome soul who dedicatedly reaches the gym everyday. Gyms nowadays are seeing so much traffic that the common slots like early morning or early evening are terribly crowded that you end up waiting around for a couple of hours to use 45mins. Everyone may not have that kind of time to accomodate this.

Basically, what I am trying to say is, excuses will be in plenty. But if the intention is there, there is a way.

If there is even a small part of you that relates with this then please let me tell you, its not worth it. The worrying and whining when actually not making an honest effort...all you'll gain is depression and more weight. Its all I think about and its all I feel guilty about day in and day out. That's no way to live. I am making an effort. I could use some motivation from you.

Try this. Start with two sets a day. See how far you can go by end of month.


Let me know how it goes.


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