
After the well deserved weight-slap and heartfelt moping session thereafter, it was time to get back on the health game.

While I am trying to make bigger efforts that I'd rather not jinx by talking, I took up this fun challenge to complete this June.

Cassey Ho is one of the top fitness bloggers in the world and I find her site very informative and useful. I also like her as a person. She doesnt come across those weight loss tyrants and makes it look all fun & play. I even have the blogilates app on my phone which has some nifty videos that are a huge help for at-home workouts.

So when I saw this challenge on the blog I thought, why the hell not!

As it happens, I am familiar with most of the stretches barring a few. E.g. sooooo not excited about Day 13 for instance. Yikes! 

Its Day 5 and so far the only problem I am having is finding someone to photograph me! I have been doing the stretches in the morning when all I have for company is my rubber plant :| 

My big plan is to repeat previous stretches before adding the stretch-of-the-day, creating a series. So basically on Day 30, I'll be doing 30 stretches at a stretch (pun totally intended)! 

AMBITIOUS, I know! But its been fun so far. Every day after posting my photo I check the hashtag and its amazing to see so many, many posts! Its like a virtual club of like minded people.

I am tad embarassed to share the photos on facebook for the larger world to so they are limited to Instagram. 

Is it weird to do something like this? Especially the social media posting? Is it exhibitionist or motivating?

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