
It may seem nuts but I actually love when life keeps me so on my toes that I barely have time to even think alone-time. But I'm super excited that September is here because...

I have been planning my first holiday to the mountains and I leave in 9 days. NINE! Just how beautiful are these photos? Imagine witnessing all this beauty in person. Ah, be still my heart.

I am so looking forward to this trip because just planning it has helped me deal with  feeling  overwhelmed with life's curveballs lately

Trying to finalise a colour palette for my new sofa. Who knew upholstery decisions can be so hard! I waded through the chaos of which colour won't clash with the rest of the colours but would go along or won't be overwhelming since its such giant piece of furniture in my tiny flat. I decided to go colour block in the same shade and I can't believe I am now stuck here...
Which one do you suggest?
Listening to trashy american pop has helped, like you won't believe, to keep up the energies around here

My nights are now dedicated to watching  MN+ the HD version of Movies now. This channel is killing it with the selection of moview

Reading my battered copy of Oliver's Story and waiting for my copy of this book. I hear a certain Mr. Linklater has been assigned directorial charges for the movie adaptation with Jennifer Lawrence playing Rosie. How's that for a book review?

I love this cover more than the others but  I sadly didn't find it online while ordering

The want to eat healthy has been sabotaged by sugar cravings so severe you'd think it is probably going out of fashion!

Loving coming home at the end of a long day and just vegging out infront of the telly. Also,  my giant cushions! Now that I wrote this I realise how my life is revolving around my couch these days! 

Wondering where the hell has this year flown to???? Can you believe its September already! But On the plus side I think its probably good for this year to end because I'm up to my head with all the drama.

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