It has been so difficult to emote what it feels like to celebrate our first birthday, that I am 3 days late in talking about it! Bad girl. To have had my tiny mouthpiece on the blogosphere for a year now has turned out nothing like I imagined. Here are some truths about COCA and emotions that were so hard to word...
1) It was about 6 month after I started this blog that I suddenly realised that the blog title acronym is COCA! Just how freakin awesome is that? You know, because of the whole cola addict connection thing...? It seemed cosmic almost that I chose this title and it was a big moment for the blogger in me :D
2) I started this piece with no agenda. COCA was started with the intention to motivate myself when I was at my lowest and I wanted to journal my progress and I thought if I said my goals out loud, I'd sort of stick to them. I did not popularize this blog on my facebook page or any other social media and it blows my mind to see the readers who visit, read and leave their comments. Thank you so much for your time and mind. This leads to the next point which was huge for me...
3) This space has been nothing but kind! There is so much said about cyber-nastiness and its not easy to talk about your life without the fear of being considered conceited. But it was amazing to feel like a part of a community that is understanding and real and welcoming. In October, the lovely Miss Jose bestowed a Leiber award and thrilling that it was, I was mostly too shy to talk about it. It was a huge burst of that I needed badly and I am just so so grateful for the kindness
4) I have had a bit of an emotional 2015 and there have been times when I wanted to take to this space and talk about what I was feeling but something held me back. I do however feel that should the need arise to reach out for supportive hearing, there is no dearth of wonderful people out there
5) Lastly, I am extremely shy and awkward to plaster my face here and I often worry if I come across as impersonal. But the truth is I am just not good at putting my face out there and I am OK with that
In 2016, my hope is to give back the encouragement and inspiration I take from the blogging community and make COCA part of something meaningful. Thank you so much for being around.
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