
As a follow up to yesterday's resolution, here is what I found: Nice and Easy is way to make the big changes. Duh, right? But here's the thing...

In the last four years, whenever I have started to take some measures of weight-loss, it has all been pretty drastic and simultaneous. E.g. quit Cola, eat breakfast, quit sugar, eat better, do random HIIT on the treadmill for 45mins erratically, then do strength training, then force to get a jazz split and so on, then attend yoga classes in office three days a week. The consequence is pretty apparent: I am still unhealthy, unfit and overweight and have major knee and ankle issues for going so badly overboard and so irregularly.

When I did my nutrition counselling in December one of the most disturbing things I was told is that because of being under nourished my body was unable to repair all the wear and tear I had inflicted on it and today I stand a huge risk of some grave, permanent damage. She had asked me to stop all my activities, give my body some rest and start slow.

So after the aforementioned motivation, I went for a thirty minute walk yesterday. And today I had a one hour yoga class. Result?

A.) No massive body ache which has earlier been a deterrent to continuing on.

B.) It is so easy to commit when all you need is 30 minutes!

Yesterday, I could squeeze in the walk from office to the train station on my way home. Today I plan to do my groceries walking. The satisfaction of achieving a goal is a double plus along with the endorphin from cardio.

With yoga, I chose to spend a bit of money for at-home sessions just to ensure regularity. Like this morning, when the bell rang at 7.50, I climbed out of bed thinking who the hell...! My jaw dropped when I opened the door. I had totally, utterly, completely forgotten about the class and over slept. But here's the best part- after profusely apologizing for 2 mins it took me exactly 10 minutes to freshen up and get started!

I feel stupid to have overdone it all these years. For me, I know this is the way to go. I am lazy. Like disgustingly lazy. And while I am good at whining, I think I have gotten into a bad rut of all complain- no action.

So for now, slow and steady it is. Once I form the habit I would definitely kick it up a notch.


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