
Tell me you are not one of those people. You know, the ones who will spend hours at work to address all client issues to ensure a spotless delivery, spend nights to plan every detail of that housewarming party to the point of perfection (read: theme toilet paper!) but when it comes to yourself, you will settle to live with the little issues of daily life. That nagging lower back pain, those sporadic bursts of acne and their never-leaving scars, the dry disgusting cuticles, dark, flaky lips...all ignored in the name of not being vain.

I am not self-involved. To top it, I am lazy as a cat. But what I have come to realize lately is that it is not okay to sit with abnormalities, however small they may be and then keep complaining. I am the queen of self-hate and this self-critical-hatred has really taken a toll on my stress levels. Which I didn't realise until I started addressing these problems and seeking a solution. And let me tell you, this has been the most liberating experience of my life!

Lesson learnt. Instead of whining, this year I have sworn to address the issues that are bothering me. I have already started on my ugly hand & feet syndrome. Regular mani/pedi + some good hand and foot cream could well be the simple solution. Next on the cards is the sudden breakout situation I have been deferring thinking its just temporary. Two years is not temporary. I know I had flawless skin till about two years ago, but maybe that has changed and it wouldn't kill to findout, would it?

The guiding principle of self-love 2015 is to embrace the fact that my body (shape, skin, hair, teeth, all) is probably not the same it used to be...and that's normal. It is required of us to pay a little attention to our body every once in a while and address the nags and wear-n-tear it goes through for a healthy life.


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