RECIPE | Lazy girl pancakes


Pancakes is not a food native to me. It does not remind me of cheery Sunday mornings of my childhood or my mother's house. I don't possess a secret family recipe. But somehow, pancakes have come to be my breakfast de choix of adult life, spelling comfort and decadence and luxury. I blame over-exposure to American sitcoms.

Anyhow, last year, when I had to go glutten-free for a few months, the biggest blow was not being able to eat pancakes on Sunday mornings. After tolerating lots and lots of whining, my boyfriend forwarded me one of those internet forwards about two-ingredient pancakes. I had seen those but was totally convinced that it won't work but I was WRONG. The concept is GENIUS!

Click on the image below to get the recipe. I have tried these and they kept me happy for a long long time. I would add:
a glug of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt and fry on a non-stick pan thinly lined with butter. So easy, so yummy! And quiet guilt-free. The banana adds so much sweetness and juiciness that you don't miss the syrup, at all!

But every now and then greedy me craves the real stuff. Fluffy, spongy cakes doused in maple syrup...*dreamland*

Now I don't believe in deprivation and support moderation instead. So in honour of pancake day, I am sharing my DIY dry-mix which is the fastest way to make the fluffiest pancakes that will brighten a dreary, hungover Sunday morning.

For my easy, effing cheap, chemical free ready mix you'll need:

500gm flour
3 tbsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
4tbsp vanilla sugar

Put everything in a jar and tumble. Store normally; no need to freeze. These keep good for a month or two months happily. But why would you store these that long?!

Now, a lazy girl would dump a cup of dry mix, one egg, a cup of milk, a dollop of butter into a mixer jar and give it a few good whizzes. Give the whisk a stink eye. Open jar, check, add a glug of vanilla and whiz some more. That's it. Ladle mixture straight from the jar onto the non-stick pan lined with a little butter. Enjoy with syrup, custard, jam, nutella....ah, its endless!

Just promise me you won't feel guilty while enjoying these babies. Adopt moderation not deprivation and that is my key to guilt-free happiness.


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