
On days when you are feeling a little blue...losing sight of the good things and feeling a little empty, a little inexplicable sadness (it happens to the best of us and its OKAY)  this man will never, ever fail to life your spirits. Immerse yourself in his playful voice and goofy words... And before you know it, you'll be smiling and bobbing.

If you are feeling life blues, listen to his first album...Waiting for My Rocket to Come
If you are feeling love blues, listen to Love is a Four Letter Word. There's nothing better than be reminded how beautiful it is to feel selflessly hopeless...even when we are nursing a broken heart.

Hey...I told you he peps me up! OK I go now :)

Don't worry. We'll make it through. I promise.

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Hi! Thank you so much for stopping by. I can't wait to hear your mind. Shine bright. XX.