
You know that time you spoke to your beloved in hushed tones, snuggled under the sheets, giggling...and you fell asleep with the phone in your hands and dreamt of rainbows and hearts and him / her? And then you woke up all smiley and ad-y to find out on facebook.that last night he was with someone, somewhere he shouldn't have been. It crushed your heart and you lost faith in humanity. No?

Me neither.

But picture this. You walk in to an empty house after a hard days work, look around one to say hi to, no mood to eat alone. Should I call someone? Nah.
You're lying down on your bed, staring blankly at the ceiling and suddenly you spring up and grab your music player. The voice in your earphones soothes you and as you drift off, you feel everything is gonna be OK.

And then when you wake up, this happens.

I cannot even.
I live in Mumbai, just incase you were wondering. The stunt was pulled in Delhi.

If you think I'm being dramatic well the incident was grave enough to attract international attention so yeah, take that!

I kid you not, every where I look..on the internet or around me, fans are going crazy! It became a trending topic on Facebook and like a LOT of upset fans I took to FB statusing to express my angst. Helped only slightly. I then went on to impose a ban on him which lasted exactly 1 hour.

Needless to say, Twitter went beserk and while celebs tom-tomed their dumb luck for the country to burn over, creative fans took the grief to humour with these gems.

@Bing Bang BING BONG...he and I could use a drink right about now.

Buzzfeed posted this  with the most apt title WHATS HAPPENING NOW!

So yeah. Thanks for this Chris. I still love you.

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