
I came to discovering my individual taste in music much late in life. I am a product of the generation that knows what cassette means. We witnessed the rise and fall of MTV, Walkman, Planet M, Discman. I am from the generation that paid for music, so exploration was pretty limited. 

Growing up, I was exposed to some amazing and eclectic music by my dear father...I would wake up on Sunday mornings to Boney M, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd and fall asleep to Kenny G, Ananda Shankar, Hariprasad Chaurasia's flute....As a tween I turned populist and veered towards OSTs and boy bands (in my defense, who didn't?) College is when I came on to experience a lot more music...James Blunt, Simple Plan, Nickelback...I felt cool that I knew them.

But, it wasn't until I met her that I experienced my musical awakening.

Year 2008. Amy Winehouse killed at the Grammy's. 
It was also the year I graduated college and embarked on finding me. I admit to searching her after seeing the Grammy coverage and that is the day I realized how far I was from experiencing real music . And for that, I owe her big.

This song kills me each time, everytime, over and over...

AMY opens in theaters today and I can't wait to catch the show. 
The trailer itself gives me goosebumps.

Oh darling girl, heaven is beautiful with you in it. 

Here she is live in Glastonbury in 2007 before the Grammy fame. I love you. 

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